Yellow and Orange Zones COVID-19

Sam Edelstein
1 min readNov 24, 2020


Governor Cuomo announced on November 23, 2020 that areas within Onondaga County, along with other parts of the state, were entering yellow and orange zones. That means there are restrictions on businesses with the purpose of reducing the spread of COVID-19.

The state currently has a database where you can look up if you live within one of these zones: There was some question about if certain businesses or schools were within zones or not.

Using publicly available data, I overlaid different locations on a map of the zones. The underlying zone shapefile from the state, as of November 23, I pulled from their map and stored here:

If you click on the image below, you’ll get to an interactive map where you can see which locations fall into different zones from across the state.

NOTE: The datasets are pulled from public sources, they may be out of date or inaccurate.

Liquor Licenses:

Retail Food Stores:

Active Enhancement and Barber Business:

WIC Vendor Information:

Public Schools:



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